What are the system requirements for running Ecsow Dialer?


Auto Dialer -- Single-line version.

OS Requirement: Windows10/8/7/Vista/XP, Windows server2015/2008/2003. 

VoIP Service Requirement: Desktop of Skype or VoIP Subscription(Such as SkypeConnect, Vonage, CallWithUs, CallCentric and so on) / IP PBX / SIP Trunk.

Bandwidth Requirement: 64KBps per line.


Predictive Dialer -- Multiple-line version.

OS Requirement: Windows10/8/7/Vista/XP, Windows server2015/2008/2003. 

VoIP Service Requirement: VoIP Subscription(Such as SkypeConnect, Vonage, CallWithUs, CallCentric and so on) / IP PBX / SIP Trunk.

Bandwidth Requirement: 64KBps per line.


Voice Broadcast -- Multiple-line version.

OS Requirement: Windows10/8/7/Vista/XP, Windows server2015/2008/2003. 

VoIP Service Requirement: VoIP Subscription(Such as SkypeConnect, Vonage, CallWithUs, CallCentric and so on) / IP PBX / SIP Trunk.

Bandwidth Requirement: 64KBps per line.


Remote Agent

OS Requirement: Windows10/8/7/Vista/XP.

Bandwidth Requirement: 64KBps or more.




Last update:
2016-01-20 08:01
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