Predictive Dialer Setup

Ecsow Predictive Dialer offers the following key features:

VOIP Predictive Dialing–No need for physical phone lines, Dialogic board or voice modem. Calls are made through Internet VoIP.

Remote AgentAgent can work at home or office. Calls are forwarded to agent’s computer over the internet or local area network.

Installing the Predictive Dialer on a Dialing Computer

Download Ecsow Predictive Dialer software and follow on-screen instructions to install Predictive Dialer on a computer.

Configuring the phone service

Ecsow software can use several phone services: VOIP phone service (such as SkypeConnect, Vonage, Callcentric, any SIP trunk provider, etc); a PBX system with SIP extensions (such as Cisco, Avaya, Asterisk, etc).

Click Ecsow menu Tools > Options > SIP Account tab to input your SIP account information.

It will show connected to the SIP service on Ecsow main window.

 Import call list by click Ecsow menu Import > Import CSV File.

Click the menu Import > Improt CSV file

You will need to specify which of your columns from your call list will be placed on Predictive Dialer’s “Name” and “Phone Number” columns.

Click the Start Dialing button to start the predictive dialing.

Please note you need to specify 1 for US phone number, where 1 is the country code. You can set this at Ecsow menu Tools  > Options > General tab.

Once a call is answered by a live human, the call is transferred to an available agent; on the agent’s computer, an alert window (screen popup) pops up, and the agent can talk to the client right away. The screen popup contains all the information about the client. Here is what the popup window will look like:

Last update:
2016-01-19 10:22
Average rating: 5 (2 Votes)

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